Monday, May 11, 2015

How could I explain to you what I feel when I paint…

How could I explain to you what I feel when I paint…
I can tell you that very many emotions become solid form; maybe they are reminders of the past; maybe I am feeling the experience of affective and emotional states in that moment, maybe a physical sensation that I had, an awareness or impression about something or someone… Its so much a subjective and psychological impression in the moment I am painting… This makes the operation or function of my senses; perception, excitement, stimulation, animation, agitation, commotion, perturbation… manifest directly in the colors and subject I am painting.

This is I when I paint. This is my way of communicating to not only others, but to myself.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mr. Mozart / Oil Painting (60cmx90cm) / by Leticia McEwen

Mr. Mozart / Oil Painting (60cmx90cm) by Leticia McEwen

Mr. Mozart / Oil Painting (60cmx90cm) by Leticia McEwen

Mr. Mozart

Mr. Mozart 

Mr. Mozart

Mr. Mozart love flowers.

Mr. Mozart


Mr. Mozart
Oil Painting (60cmx90cm)
By Leticia McEwen

Oil Painting (60cmx90cm)/ Mr. Mozart by Leticia McEwen